Our Service

The first part of our services consists in a thorough assessment of the issue our client has and its implications and ramifications and list the people or organizations involved. Often there can be several people or organizations having passive roles or influencing the stance of the third party. At this point a proposal for our services is handed to our client.

Once the assessment has been conducted, we will analyze the situation, the pros and cons of our client’s position, we will, when possible, conduct a small enquiry with the people or organizations involved and produce a memo indicating the chances of the outcome and our strategy.

If our client is in Indonesia, we will accompany him through the process and undertake to reach a beneficial solution. Our role is then that of a mediator or counselor, assisting our client through the different steps.

If our client does not wish to be part of the negotiations or if we advise against it, we will conduct the meetings by ourselves until a beneficial solution is found.

We then assist our client to officialize the solution/compromise so that it cannot be legally challenge